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02 8999 5200If you look for advice on how to create an interesting social media page, you’ll find that the general consensus is to try to offer something of genuine value. Your aim is to try and create something that people will be entertained or informed by and that way to think of your social media page almost a product or as a service in its own right. The aim is to make a page that people will be excited/eager to check in on.
That’s easy if you have a business in fitness. All you need to do is to regularly post inspiring quotes, workout tips and pictures of people training. Job done!
But what if you work in life insurance? Or accounting? How then are you supposed to come up with a channel that people can relate to?
In these scenarios, the simple solution is to make a social media page that is not directly about the niche or industry that you’re focussed on but rather one that is tangentially related. A great example of this might be a company that sells lightbulbs.
Now this is a pretty dull (no pun intended) product and it’s not something people will want to read about every day! But what’s tangentially related here is interior décor. People have lightbulbs in their lamps and lamps are a key part of our decorating.
So you can therefore create a social media page that’s about decorating. A great example of this would be a Pinterest board where you collect inventive and creative ideas for interior décor. This could include ‘hacks’ for storage or beautiful home-made designs.
Either way, you now have a page that’s filled unique ideas that homeowners might want to check out for inspiration and you’re providing a service. You can this way build a big following, get lots of shares and only then occasionally try and promote your lightbulbs!
What’s also important is to know the reason that your business exists and what drives it. Why do you do what you do? What is your value proposition and how do you make the world better?
Once you know this, you can find that ‘through line’ that connects your topics. So for example, if you sell life insurance, your mission statement might be to create happier families. And if that’s your mission statement, then a Facebook page about ‘fun activities for families’ will serve the same end goal and be a perfect marketing strategy!
If you spend some time and really think about your customers you can almost always find ways to create an interesting social media page, it just needs a little creativity and some time. If you would like Altitude Digital to help you develop your social media page, speak with us today.
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